Parvati Lum
*Sent*: Monday, May 31, 2010 6:35 PM
My husband persuaded me to learn Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan. To begin with, the slow movement was difficult for me as I have no patience. And I so wanted to connect with this Energy.
It was wonderful…for the first time I felt no gravity when I moved! And with joy in my heart.
It is hard for me to advance at the moment as my husband is so far away.
But once we are reunited my voyage in Tai-Chi shall deepen.
At today’s skype lesson I felt a lot of relaxation throughout my spine, and my legs and arms were very stretched and light. My torso was kept upright throughout by the Energy.
During Repulse Monkey with Sifu I felt connection with his movements and my feet were light as a tiger walking even though there was tension in my legs and arms.
Push Hands Claudia with Sifu [via skype lesson Tuesday 21st April]
I saw Sifu turn and Claudia following him even though she had closed eyes. When Sifu turned in the other direction Claudia simultaneously turned the same way. When Sifu stopped Claudia also stopped. Amazing how they were connected, over the Internet.
Ho visto Sifu girare e Cladia seguirlo anche se aveva gli occhi chiusi. Quando Sifu girava per un altra direzione immediatamente anche Claudia iniziava il movimento di rotazione. Quando Sifu si fermava in una posizione anche Claudia si bloccava nella stessa posizione. E` stato veramento incredible come erano connessi l`uno all`altra.
“Walkshop in the Blue Mountains”
Per la prima volta ho partecipato ad un seminario organizzato dal Maestro Ric Lum in localita` Blue Mountains in NSW Australia. Un atmosfera magica e di grazia ci ha accompagnato fin dalla mattina per tutta la giornata; colori smaglianti tempo stupendo ed inusuale per questo periodo dell`anno. Il Mestro Ric ci ha guidati in una profonda dimensione spirituale del Tai Chi, tutti noi abbiamo avvertito il Movimento della nostra Energia “Chi” che faceva muovere I nostri corpi all`unisono. In un momento di meditazione collettiva, in cui tutti noi eravamo disposti in circolo seduti sulla Madre Terra, la mia attenzione e` andata molto in alto e mi e` sembrato che la testa si espandesse all`infinito, ho avvertito il punto supremo dello stato di Unione con il Tutto, la mia energia interiore che si univa all`Energia Onnipervandente fuori di me, no pensieri no parole solo Unione, un esperienza indimenticabile. Alla fine tutti eravamo in un perfetto stato di quiete e gioia.
Recently I attended the first seminar conducted by Master Ric Lum in the Blue Mountains outside Sydney, Australia.
A magical atmosphere and grace accompanied us throughout the morning and afternoon, with brilliant colours and gorgeous weather unusual for this time of year.
Maestro Ric led us into a deep spiritual dimension of Tai-Chi; we all felt the movement of “Chi” energy which moved our bodies together in`unison.
During collective meditation, in which all of us were sitting in a circle on Mother Earth, my attention went up very high and I felt my head expanding into infinity.
I experienced the highest state of Union with the All and my inner energy united with the All Pervading Energy beyond myself; no thoughts, no words, only Union, an unforgettable experience.
We all ended up in a perfect state of peace and joy.
{a poor translation – ed.}