Dear Sifu!
This experience was very strong and intensive! Like some other experiences in sahaja yoga or in other evolution contests of my life, I felt some times in Hell sometimes in Heaven! My body reacted with tiredness but also vibrations specially on my arms and legs! My mind some times was there to disturb me, but some other moments I enjoyed the situation. One interesting thing I noticed specially after seminar, was that I found some of the movements we used to do during practice, in my everyday life! So I felt the flowing energy in many aspects of common life and all this was very beautiful! Even if in the last two years I didn’t practice a lot, anyway I felt more mature in Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan, so I understood practice is very very important, but anyway this process we started some years ago is still growing inside us beyond practice and beyond everything!!!! In the last period of my life I understood I can’t force things and especially evolution! I need to work and desire, but at the same time, after so many hard, unhappy, difficult years I feel I need to take care of me and my evolution in a sweet way! That’s why now I want to practice Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan with love and joy and never like a homework and a must!
I’m very happy I met you and this magic instrument!
Thank you
A big hug