
Magda Hribar

Magda HribarGrade: Senior Instructress   {certified to instruct beyond Earth into Water level}
Location: Jubilee Park, Glebe
Page: Magda’s Memory

“Expect to have more questions than answers. If the question is important enough, you will find the answer.”

“When I am instructing someone, I am also learning, so the journey is always ongoing.”

“Constant balance comes about through constant movement which flows out into different parts but comes back to a central point.”

“To dance the 108 in 8minutes one needs to be insubstantial, out of the way of the substantial Chi.”

Andrew Rohowyj
B.App.Sc.Phty.    MAPA, MASG, OHPA, BPA

Andrew RohowyjGrade: Senior Instructor   {certified to instruct beyond Earth into Water level}
Location: Glen McGrath Oval; behind Caringbah Medical and Dental, 42 President Ave.
Tel: 0427 481363
Page: Andrew’s Account

“Inertia vs force: If I am not myself, then who or what is the other?… what does the Divine leave UnDone?” 

“Experiences of the subtle are beyond the mind. Therefore, the mind need only surrender or bow to that which is higher to allow the flow.”

Sipos Áron
Java Developer, Coach, Trainer

Sipos Áron - Tai ChiGrade: Senior Instructor   {certified to instruct beyond Earth into Water level}

Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Page: Aron’s Awareness

“Just watch and listen.”

Ray Hampton

Ray HamptonGrade: Senior Instructor   {certified to instruct beyond Earth into Water level}
Location: Jubilee Park, Glebe
Page: Ray’s Find

“When telling time, don’t describe Watch!”

“In Yuan-Chi Tai Chi, in our school, the meaning and variables of each move reveals itself as a person becomes more subtle, gentle, understanding and compassionate, i.e. they experience the genuine all pervading chi and change internally and externally as a result. Reveals as a person becomes worthy. Genuine Tai Chi develops the subtlety of character.”

“Don’t allow the attention to get stuck in the now but let it go to see where it goes and how far it goes to the extremities and beyond.”

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