Classes in Roma, ITALIA

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Arrivederci a Roma!

Arrivederci a Roma!

Flyer Tai Chi August '12

Few times in my life, I experienced emotions so strong that they gave me, at the same time, so much peace, lightness, physical and spiritual wellbeing, joy emotion that they can not hold back the tears even now that discrivo. Thanks to our teacher that Ric with his spirituality and the desire to send this great gift he gave us the chance to rise to the Divine and to stabilize our own with awareness and love. Within the group I shared a lot of energy spent in harmony and joy and some of the clear days and intense in recent years.

I would like to thank you with all my heart for the wealth you have given me.
A special thanks to Alexandra and Emiliano who welcomed us with so much love and grace of God that they have in their heart.

I love you.

Intensive workshops in & around Rome, ITALY

Summer 2015

including Viterbo and Trevignano-Romano.
Trevor Romano

Parvati leads Raise Hands

To book your place or to find out more, please email us:

Despite having strong muscle pain for a few years, after more or less 8 days of intensive course I noticed a great lightness and greater balance in my posture and I found a very positive effect on my mood. This amazing experience has helped me to rediscover the unity within myself. The meditations have become more spontaneous and profound. I felt it obviously and clearly that practising Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan gives me a balanced well-being of all the senses in a very natural way.




Rome: Villa Ada
Villa Ada

 The practice of Tai-Chi made me realize how each gesture is illuminated vehicle vibration. The exercise took me a few days to a better balance, a renewed inner peace, and above all has definitely increased my awareness of vibration.

I thank you heartily and affectionately master Ric for having transmitted with patience, kindness and simplicity of a very complex practice such as Tai-Chi. Those of the latter-day seminar were very joyful, I spent so much in harmony and spontaneity!
Thank you all for making our home yours.



One Comment

  1. All’inizio della lezione la mia mente era inquieta e reattiva e il mio corpo stanco.
    Durante la pratica sentivo che lentamente il mio corpo si scioglieva e la mia mente si arrendeva.
    Abbiamo praticato un nuovo stile e quando dovevo osservare l’altra studentessa e confrontarla con Sifu e il mio movimento. Io ho potuto percepire la differenza tra la pratica dove è la mente che guida il corpo. Il movimento anche quasi corretto era solo a livello fisico. Osservando lo stile di Sifu ho sentito il corpo come strumento dell’Energia, era il flusso che guidava il corpo e la mente osservava.
    Quando ho praticato il mio stile dopo aver osservato Sifu ho percepito a livello consapevole come solo noi con la nostra mente blocchiamo il flusso che altrimenti fluirebbe spontaneamente.
    Ho provato a chiudere gli occhi per un attimo arrendendomi totalmente e anche se la mente era presente per ricordare lo stile nuovo il corpo era come sospeso oltre le normali forze che governano la Natura. Semplicemente fluiva.
    Credo che per un attimo ho veramente percepito l’immensa e infinita grandezza del Yuan Chi Tai Chi Chuan a livello consapevole.
    ogni lezione sta diventando un dono di infinita profondità.
    Jay Shri Mataji!!!
    Claudia Casetti
    Medicina Naturale
    Cell. 347/8269066

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