
Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way,
Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world.
~Lao Tze

Subject: lesson
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 06:48:44 +0200
Sifu Thanks for the skype lesson and the beautiful meta-therapy.
During the experience of following you, I felt my body tense and my painful arm that followed the flow I felt as if you could make stretching arm. I followed Sifu and I followed the flow of energy.
During meta therapy it was as if you were physically in front of me … I felt your movements and didn’t sense any difference with doing therapy in person.
Thank you for your support for me to start to spread the Divine Gift of Yuan Chi Tai Chi Chuan in Rome.
Claudia Casetti

Push Hands 0nline

Taoist combat?

Once upon a time, there was a king in China who wished his two pet chickens to become the best fighting cocks in the land. Upon hearing of the martial prowess of a legendary Taoist master, our king beseeched this master of the Way thus:

“Oh great One, your liege desires that these two worthless feathered scratchers shall triumph in the upcoming melee of fighting cocks. Make them invincible.”

And so our budding avian titans were brought under the wing of said ineffable master.

But come the grand contest, our king was sore concerned at the progress of his beloved chickens. Or apparent lack thereof. Whereas all the other champions from far and wide were in earnest combat with wing, beak, and claw, his own champions stood placidly aloof. They took no part in the unfolding spectacle of squawks and flying feathers!
Whenever they were set upon by the other cockerels, they merely retreated, turned, stepped away or otherwise deflected the mighty blows rained upon them, without fail. And remained unruffled.

And so it came to pass that all the mighty combatants in this unsurpassable contest clawed, pecked and kicked each other out of contention. Even the mightiest of them slumped in defeat, if only through exhaustion.

Save for our two idle protagonists. And so our mighty monarch witnessed his twin champions declared unbowed and triumphant.

Overjoyed though our king was to have his heart’s desire fulfilled, yet was he still sore baffled as to how his chickens had won!

“Oh most illustrious of gurus, how did you conjure victory out of seeming certain defeat?”

Whereupon our reticent sage revealed his great secret:

“I merely trained them to Do NOT!”

{ adapted from address on 26th Feb. 1995 at Castle Mt. by H.H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI }

Dagmar’s Vault

like we're so go!

An English teacher from the Czech Republic, at the moment a mama-to-be, very excited both at receiving Yuan-Chi Tai Chi lessons and about observing a new life being created and growing in this body.

Met Master Ric Lum at Moravka in summer 2013 and it just blew my mind. Unforgettable, our group balancing on the waves of Param.chaitanya, letting go of ego which is desperately trying to keep in control, wind joyfully playing with leaves gently falling down, warm sun’s rays caressing everything around, soothing deep peace and surrender inside.


After a 7-year-long break I’ve started again. Feeling very humble and grateful. So much peace enters my body and soul just after a couple of minutes of practice. Feeling so grounded. My busy and noisy household calms down miraculously.
Today feeling highly intuitive: the movements are our attempts at becoming one with the GOLDEN RATIO, so awesome.
Sifu quoted Shri Mataji: “God made us human BEINGS, not human doings.
Everything falls into place. Unity.

I’m an NLP Coach (


We human beings just by the way we stand represents all our subtle conditioning. Physical posture expresses psychological state.

In Tai Chi Chuan books talk about Yin and Yang in the Push Hands and we certainly in Push Hands know when we are in a Yang segment and when in Yin, but throughout we try to ensure that our expressions remain in the central channel.

Jan Enlists

My Physiotherapist recommended that I join Tai Chi because I have Osteo Arthritis.

My mobility was decreasing and it was clear that something had to be done. The common view is that once you lose the use of joints it is often impossible to restore them.

Unfortunately, I have two other chronic conditions which prevent my taking the conventional treatments for arthritis, anti-inflammatories and pain killers.

Andrew said the gentle movements in Yuan-Chi Tai Chi could only be beneficial and he was right.

There is no pressure in the classes, you simply follow the form. In the beginning, there were so many styles that I could not do. But gradually I have found that I can perform more and more. I do not have
the grace and agility of other students but I am proud of what I can do.

I cannot remember all the styles but in the Park every Saturday, I enjoy my surroundings, the trees and grass, the sky and birdsong.
There are no thoughts in my head, just the graceful movements. I am at peace.

Do I still feel the arthritic pain, yes, but on Saturdays, it is secondary to the pleasure of the dance.


Aron’s Awareness

Sipos Aron Tai Chi RomaniaHi Everyone!

It’s just me, Aron. I’m currently working in IT but have other preoccupations as well; Sahaja Yoga, Coaching and Yuan-Chi Tai-Chi…

Thus I began recently helping people regain their balance and reconsider a bit their lifestyle throughout these methods.

Best regards,

You can follow me here in:

On 25/02/2014 11:03 PM, Sipos Aron wrote:
Experimenting in the Way of Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan

In the last 2-3 years an old desire reawakened inside me, the wish to practise Tai Chi… to follow my own being, my own movements by remaining in a meditative state at the same time.

I presume this was a collective desire, as lately I found out to my surprise, that there is a Sahaja Yogi who is teaching Tai-Chi. It’s Sifu Ric Lum from Australia, who is already teaching Tai-Chi in Europe and I was quite surprised last year, in 2013, to hear about an intensive seminar in the Czech Republic, at Moravka resort.

Well, OK, sure, let’s join in 🙂 We were the only ones from Romania, my wife and me.

This seminar was organised by sahaja yogis, so there were daily meditations as well as 4 Tai Chi sessions per day.

What struck me at the beginning of the first session were both the introduction into Tai-Chi in general as well as Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan in particular.

The style of Sifu Ric Lum

Gently explaining and presenting the movements while singing. By performing just the opening moves, at the raising of the hands the second time I already started to feel the vibrations flowing, a slight change in the energetic awareness. The vibrations were getting stronger and stronger each day, I just felt my mind getting blocked, the thoughts felt like they were frozen, I mean I just couldn’t think! It was an interesting experience, I was familiar with that state but it never lasted so long as during this seminar.

I’ve been surprised to find that Yuan-Chi Tai-Chi movements follow (mimic) the dance of the All Pervading Power of Divine Love, the Paramchaitanya. In order to feel it, sooner or later you’ll be connected to this power.

I just understood and felt during the practice of Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan the essence of the Tao and of Sahaja Yoga becoming one (the essence is actually the same).


By following Sifu’s principle and advice: “Neither assist nor resist – be neutral.”

For additional info please watch our chat recorded at Moravka during a break:


Subject:                Reflections
Date:     Sat, 18 Mar 2017 12:26:06 +0000 (UTC)

Following Sifu & My Story
Moravka [Yuan-Chi Intensive in Czech Republic]: 2013 was a year with many changes in my life, perception, awareness etc..
I just raised simple questions: what is my mission on Earth?
What drives me and towards what exactly?
What could I do more?
All these when I was partly “coordinating” the Sahaj collective of Cluj, I mean coordinating: doing most things alone 🙂 As if I were in a boat stirring everywhere but the boat did not go anywhere. Practically a waste of energy. 2012, 2013 were the years when I was also thinking about practising Tai Chi, but I felt it was not the moment for me, until I found out about the Moravka seminar 🙂

I was also starting to learn about the basics in leadership, marketing, entrepreneurship that changed my mindset, the way I saw the world etc.. It was a shock, a mental disaster 🙂 and I just knew I needed to change a lot, restructure slowly parts of my life, habits etc. Due to this radical change in my understanding, on the vibratory level I was going down a bit.

But I learned something very precious: progress = practising daily bit by bit

This is what I did after the Moravka seminar, after section1[S.1] of the Tai Chi form settled down within me, I really needed a couple of months after that intensive week. I had some time to reflect on what happened there and why, what I felt, what others felt and how people can be manipulated even inside ‘enlightened’ groups.

Then I knew I had a choice to make:
– continue with the learning via Skype
– say bye-bye to the opportunity

Then the progress started with the 108, practising daily, watching the DVDs, learning, then practising it over & over again.

Video Library

Carry Tiger Back to Mountain

 Tai Chi in the Rain

 Dance of the Paramachaitanya

The sage experiences without abstraction,
and accomplishes without action;
He accepts the ebb and flow of things,
Nurtures them, but does not own them,
And lives, but does not dwell.
~Lao Tze

Interview with Lum Sifu

“Welcome Aron, what we do realize (is) that Yuan-Chi Tai-Chi, as taught by Sifu Ric Lum, is both a physical and spiritual journey with endless possibilities.” Magda’s memory

 Push hands and Meta-therapy {Viterbo 2015}

 Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan @Cluj-Napoca

Scenes from Viterbo intensive, 2015

