Sahaja Yoga Italia

Sahaja Yoga Italia

Il Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan è illusione, spesso mentre si vede Sifu praticare ci si rende conto di questo.
Ma quando si pratica Jade Maiden si entra nell’illusione stessa, come in un velo, come dentro una nuvola si attraversa la Maya, si cammina nella Maya e se Madre vuole si va oltre la Maya.
grazie Sifu.

The Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan is an illusion, often while you see Sifu practise you realize this.
But when you practise Jade Maiden you enter the illusion itself, like a veil, as in a cloud crossing the Maya, you walk in and Maya …. if Mother wants you cross over the Maya.
Thanks for everything Sifu


 Sahaja Yoga: Spontaneous Union

“Whatever you do, do it with the faith that you have in worshiping, the zeal of a warrior and the sensitivity of an artist.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is meant for anyone who wishes to find his or her true self; filled with peace, joy in life and love for others. It is not just a book or a set of exercises but a living science that will open up to you gradually as your meditations become deeper and your experiences become more fulfilling.
Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Meditation Classes in Australia

Meditation Classes in Australia

Ric asked us to only judge on our vibrations what he said and taught. As we started to move I felt the vibrations flow.My personal feeling is that Ric has found a way of plugging this form of Tai-Chi back into the main frame – The Paramachaitanya-.

Sahaja Yoga: Spontaneous Union

“Whatever you do, do it with the faith that you have in worshiping, the zeal of a warrior and the sensitivity of an artist.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is meant for anyone who wishes to find his or her true self; filled with peace, joy in life and love for others. It is not just a book or a set of exercises but a living science that will open up to you gradually as your meditations become deeper and your experiences become more fulfilling.
Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Jai Shri Mataji.
I have already found an increase in the Vibrations, and only after 4 lessons?!
At this time I have a quest to follow all that helps with meditation.
From: Christopher Staff
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:24 PM

Global Introduction

Global Introduction

Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 14:15:17 +1100
I did the ‘Tai-Chi sock’ during the aarti at Sahaja Yoga. My position became steady and solid; I felt my body beaming with strength, and my lower legs meld and firm up. While we were reciting the aarti, I noticed my voice was clearer and stronger than it’s ever been. I was joyful, feeling myself deep in meditation. For the 1st time ever, I was actively doing something whilst being in timeless meditation. My head felt as if it was expanding. The feeling was immense and invigorating. I am so glad to experience such deep meditation in the presence of a Sahaja Collective.
Joanne Lau

Sahaja Yoga: Spontaneous Union

“Whatever you do, do it with the faith that you have in worshiping, the zeal of a warrior and the sensitivity of an artist.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is meant for anyone who wishes to find his or her true self; filled with peace, joy in life and love for others. It is not just a book or a set of exercises but a living science that will open up to you gradually as your meditations become deeper and your experiences become more fulfilling.
Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


cool breeze

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.”
~Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

I have had no bad experiences, and so can only relate positive ones. At times when practising I would get a sensation of shimmering vibrations on my hands, and lots of cool. This experience is well known to practitioners of SY as the flow of Kundalini (the subtle desire and mechanism of our evolution within) becoming stronger.

One can actually feel the all pervading power as a cool breeze.

During a Kung Fu training session a month ago I was playing with some moves in Ric’s Tai Chi form. One of my students came over and at that moment he could feel my chi transmitting to him. Godfrey told me he could feel the cool chi in his palms as I was doing the moves, It was pretty amazing!!!
Another student Tyson also felt this cool chi in his palms as he was doing the Southern Mantis Sarm Bo Gin form; they both smiled and looked at me as if I was an amazing person!

After that session, I began to experiment in lifting my students’ arms using this cool chi, and to my surprise I was able to do it. It got better as I was practising more and more tai chi everyday, and now to a point that I could feel their arms in the actual lift!!
Master John Lee
November 20, 2004 at 6:24pm

echilibru constant

Sahaja Yoga: Spontaneous Union

“Whatever you do, do it with the faith that you have in worshiping, the zeal of a warrior and the sensitivity of an artist.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is meant for anyone who wishes to find his or her true self; filled with peace, joy in life and love for others. It is not just a book or a set of exercises but a living science that will open up to you gradually as your meditations become deeper and your experiences become more fulfilling.
Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


echilibru constant

On 25/02/2014 11:03 PM, Sipos Aron wrote:
..Yuan-Chi Tai-Chi movement mimics the dance of the All Pervading Power of Divine Love, the Paramchaitanya.   Aron

Free Meditation online

Free Meditation online

Sahaja Yoga: Spontaneous Union“Whatever you do, do it with the faith that you have in worshiping, the zeal of a warrior and the sensitivity of an artist.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

There was something formless and perfect
before the universe was born.
It is serene. Empty.
Solitary. Unchanging.
Infinite. Eternally present.
It is the mother of the universe.

Tao Te Ching

On 26/11/2014 2:45 AM, Dagmar wrote:
Had a little Yuan-Chi Tai Chi lesson with this IT specialist today. She must have got her self-realization.
She was so fascinated by this gentle, sweet way. Amazing!   Dagmar

The journey_ the Tao

“Accept life as it is. As it is, whatever life is there, accept it. Don’t retaliate, don’t get angry, don’t get upset, just accept, and you’ll enjoy the same life which was irritating you. You will see the enjoying part of that, and it will be so beautiful the way you will see that you’ll get over all your problems, you’ll get over all your enemies, and a kind of a very fresh beautiful existence you’ll have.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Sahastrara Puja 1999, Cabella Ligure, Italy

A month before knowing by e-mail Master Ric I had this dream:

I was in Villa Ada, in Rome, seeking a Sahaja Yogini who practised tai chi chuan. (During this time I was, in real life, a Yang family’s tai chi chuan student but seeking a deeper knowledge and experience of the taoist way.)
At the beginning of the dream starting in the lower zone of the park I was climbing up to the high end of the park, very near a bar/cafe.
I met a woman dressed in white who was practising a bit of tai chi chuan movement. I asked her if she knew the inner mechanism of tai chi chuan.
She answered that she didn’t know well but the only thing she could tell me was that during the movements of the form the Earth absorbs the thoughts.This was in my dreams..

…several months later I was in Villa Ada, in real-life with Master Ric, in the same place as in my dream!

Ivan Alibrandi
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 13:07:18 +0200 (CEST)

Ric didn’t explain much but..what came after was totally amazing as John’s and my arms floated up without effort or muscle contraction and with a 90 degree turn of both palms, my arms would slowly descend back to the starting position. After achieving the arm lift for numerous times, I felt revived and my vision became very bright and I was able to see objects clearly into the far distance.
Master Michael Lee
December 18, 2004 at 10:01am

As for my Southern Mantis Tong Long and Choy Li Fut Gung Fu, well, I
have to say that I have taken a giant leap forward, by that I mean my
students could see that I have roundness and internal power even within
my linear Mantis forms. As for Choy Li fut, well those low stances feel
effortless to do now. This is one amazing journey of true Tai Chi, and I
must thank Ric for sharing his knowledge with me and my brother Michael.
Master John Lee
November 20, 2004 at 6:24pm


Ric Lum, Tai Chi Master

Healing through Tai Chi
On my journey of Yuan Chi Tai Chi I have discovered internal therapeutic benefits in our style.
Whether it be push hands, our Dance, CMC or sword forms.
‘It’ starts with a connection that activates from within and becomes an undulating ebb of nurturing, healing, connecting flow that emanates from within and flows outwards as far as we are able to let it go or surrender. This energy is the all pervading power that physically flows through us and resides in us all.
Under the instruction and teaching of Master Ric Lum I have experienced the physical benefits and health benefits of this all pervading power or Chi energy. It works from within and is the true connection and meaning of the Chinese term ‘Tai Chi’.
I strongly recommend a class with Master Ric Lum to gain this experience.
Ray Hampton
5/05/2015 10:23 PM

Ric didn’t explain much but.. what came after was totally amazing as John’s and my arms floated up without effort or muscle contraction and with a 90 degree turn of both palms, my arms would slowly descend back to the starting position. After achieving the arm lift for numerous times, I felt revived, and my vision became very bright, and I was able to see objects clearly into the far distance.
Ric is a brilliant teacher with such talent to analyse each individual’s capabilities and apply the relevant or necessary method to harness the correct posture for better understanding of CHI flow in each position of the Tai Chi form. Learning Tai Chi from him is so effortless and joyful that every session is treasured.
Master Michael Lee
Nam Fong Tong Long

Dear Sifu,
I appreciated our conversation today. It is – as always – very timely and reminded me of what is truly important, what is the “unseen” I am looking to bring forth. Thank you for following your path and for persisting with it…
Your journey is so very important. I want part of my material energy to flow to you.
There are so few people where conversations flow for me and I have decided that this is most likely because I’m trying to “dumb down” what I say in order to communicate with people. It just is too hard. I have decided to speak my truth a lot clearer. But like the butterfly story, it is a journey of becoming for me.
Gregor Ptok
18/12/2014 9:38 PM

Ric is a very precise teacher, which my joints, alignment and posture have all benefited from. Ric is also concerned with more than the outer ‘dance’ aspects of Tai Chi – which I appreciate.
The shifts, for me, have been more than physical. Beyond the dance, I have learned about myself.

Comparison of Old to Ric;
With Ric I have a much better Flow and feel of my energy, internally my organs feel softer and I feel as though I am moving forward. No stop / start. Leave your ego at the door when training with Ric. Ric is able to simplify, or I find Ric is able to intricate. That is very helpful as you move along the winding river.
Cameron Verrills

Skype lessons?

On 4/05/2015 12:52 AM, Gregor wrote

I have studied Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan since 2005. After having the opportunity to learn from Sifu in Jubilee Park, I moved to Melbourne in 2013. Earlier this year I have again started to take lessons from Sifu, largely via Skype. Sifu is able to teach and “reach” me through this medium, and I am able to feel his influence on my movements. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Whilst I believe there will be limitations as to what can be taught via Skype, I am convinced that this point is still a long way off for me.

Some may regard learning via Skype to be not “as good as” a weekly lesson in person. I believe the unique benefits of Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan and the depth of Sifu’s knowledge far outweigh the perceived drawbacks. Having lived in Europe and Australia, I believe the internet can give access to knowledge from around the globe which in previous times would have been inaccessible.  I believe Yuan-Chi Tai Chi Chuan is ancient movement and wisdom, infused with insights from meditation, expressed through the form of Tai Chi. I have not come across anything remotely close previously and, judging by the comments of what other students say, neither have they.

Participating in a workshop with Sifu can be a great experience. It will allow you to decide whether this school is the right one for you. Regular lessons via Skype and practice with other students will help develop on the journey.

Gregor Ptok



Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way,
Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world.
~Lao Tze

Subject: lesson
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 06:48:44 +0200
Sifu Thanks for the skype lesson and the beautiful meta-therapy.
During the experience of following you, I felt my body tense and my painful arm that followed the flow I felt as if you could make stretching arm. I followed Sifu and I followed the flow of energy.
During meta-therapy it was as if you were physically in front of me … I felt your movements and didn’t sense any difference with doing therapy in person.
Thank you for your support for me to start to spread the Divine Gift of Yuan Chi Tai Chi Chuan in Rome.
Claudia Casetti

Push Hands 0nline